Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Topics for letters to DFO managers

If you are thinking of using the 'hot button' on the google gadget to send an e-mail to the DFO managers, here are a few key topics to highlight;
-responsibility on DFO's part to protect weak salmon stocks like depressed wild sockeye and the very depressed chum stocks from by-catch or targetted fishing
-minimize the impacts of commercial fishing on steelhead by implementing the selective gillnet method of 'short set/short net' immediately ( even if it is of dubious effect); and enforce full compliance with other selective fishing measures like blue boxes, weedlines, and proper release
-stay within the recommendations of the ISRP Report of a maximum domestic marine harvest rate of 30% on any one stock component
-follow the ISRP Report recommendations of using a precautionary approach to any management decisions
-make sure there is a strong enforcement presence and that fisher compliance rates are kept high

-and other misc stuff, such as:
doesnt matter if the steelhead run is strong this year, this is no excuse to maximize commercial opportunities....we want as many steelhead upriver as possible...this is now called Conservation Plus by the Province
-Steelhead are incredibly valuable to upriver economies and recreation sector....Steelhead are a valuable resource and should not be allowed to be wasted as a bycatch in a gillnet fishery
-fishery should be conservation driven, not harvest driven....just because a fish swims past Prince Rupert does not mean it is a wasted fish.

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