Friday, June 19, 2009

Area 3 gillnet opening posted

Fishery Notice announcing another gillnet opening in Area 3 for Tuesday June 23. This is the second opening in Area 3 for gillnets. The first opening was Tuesday June 16, so possibly a 'one day per week' early fishing pattern is emerging.
Commercial effort in Area 3 is worth keeping an eye on as sometimes DFO uses openings in out of the way Area 3 to balance out closures or restrictions in the more high profile Area 4 Skeena river approaches. And as we've pointed out previously, just because the stated target is Nass sockeye doesnt mean there aren't Skeena bound sockeye, or steelhead, mixed in. Northern Chatham Sound is definitely a migration route for Skeena bound fish, so making it appear to be a 'Nass' only opening is a bit misleading. Just another marine mixed stock fishery basically.

Area 3
Gill nets open 16 hours, 06:00 to 22:00 Tuesday June 23 in Subareas 3-2, portion of 3-3 (one nautical mile off the shore of Wales Island), 3-4 and a portion of 3-7 (one nautical mile off of the shore Wales Island and a 0.5 nautical mile boundary off of the shore Pearse Island).

Max mesh 137 mm. Max depth 60 meshes, Max hang ratio 3:1, Corkline to web distance min 0 cm, max 45 cm; or, max depth 90 meshes, max hang ratio 3:1, corkline to web distance min 1.2 m, max 1.5 m. If using 90 mesh net, every fifth cork on corkline must be red or another distinctive colour (not white).

Variation Order No. 2009-NCSAL-005.
The target species in Area 3 is Nass Sockeye. Gill net fisheries are being conducted with non-retention, non-possession of coho and steelhead. There are a number of weak chinook and chum stocks in Area 3 that are currently in the rebuilding phase. Fishers are requested to release all live chinook and chum to the water with the least possible harm. Operating revival boxes are mandatory and may be used to revive fish prior to release.

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