Saturday, August 06, 2011

DFO reply to NCSA

Earlier this week we wrote to the DFO Regional Director general Susan Farlinger (post here)
Yesterday afternoon we received this reply:

Dear Mr. Douglas,
Thank-you for your email of August 4th regarding commercial fishing and Skeena steelhead. The conservation of Skeena steelhead is one of the priorities that the Department takes very seriously in the management of Skeena River fish stocks. The Integrated Fisheries Management Plan estimated 5 gill net openings for the Skeena River, however the run size for Sockeye appear to be coming in stronger than forecast and therefore additional openings have been executed. Commercial gill net fishers have been limited to "short net, short set" as a condition of licence, with the sole purpose to protect weak stocks and non-target species. The fishery is managed on a daily basis and there are regular calls with the industry to remind them of the mandatory conservation measures that need to be taken aboard each vessel. I also understand that there are weekly calls with environmental non-government organizations, such as yourself, to hear your views and discuss some of the in-season management decisions being contemplated. I encourage you to take advantage of these calls and bring your views and perspectives to the North Coast Fisheries Management staff directly.
Thank-you again for bringing your views to my attention.
Susan Farlinger
Regional Director General

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