Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Sonic tagging update

Here's an update on the sonic tagging study currently underway in Skeena.
The chromer fish in the image with the sonic tag was caught and released at the Tyee test Fishery.

A pilot, steelhead sonic tagging project is in progress in the watershed. To date, ~ 35 transmitters have been applied at the Tyee Test Fishery and 50 have been applied at the Moricetown Canyon beach seine; a fish wheel has been installed in Kitselas Canyon but high water visibility has rendered the wheel ineffective for steelhead; we'll await an increase in water turbidity. If you do recover a steelhead with a sonic transmitter attached to the base of the dorsal fin (see attached photo), please do not handle the transmitter but report the capture location, fish and tag condition to me via e-mail or telephone (250.847.7297).
Mark Beere, Senior Fisheries Biologist Mark.Beere@gov.bc.ca
Update courtesy of Min. of Environment Smithers

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