Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Skeena opening July 17th

Area 4

Gill nets open 16 hours 06:00 to 22:00 Thursday Jul 17 in Subareas 4-4, 4-5, 4-8, 4-9, 4-12, 4-14 & 4-15. Max mesh 137 mm, max depth 60 meshes, max hang ratio 3:1, corkline to web distance min 0 cm max 45 cm; or, max depth 90 meshes, max hang ratio 3:1, corkline to web distance min 1.2 m, max 1.5 m. If using 90 mesh net, every fifth cork on corkline must be red or another distinctive colour (not white) V.O.# 2008-NCSAL-022 The target species in Area 4 is Skeena sockeye. Gill net fisheries are being conducted with non-retention non-possession of coho, chum, & steelhead. Fishers are requested to release all live Chinook to the water with the least possible harm. Operating revival boxes are mandatory and may be used to revive fish prior to release.

NOTICE TO ALL GILLNET FISHERMEN:Fishers are reminded to have their revival boxes operating at all times when fishing. This is being enforced, and charges are likely if non-compliance is encountered.

A couple of things stand out in this Notice. The first is the idea of any gillnet fishery conducted with a non-retention rule. We know gillnets are non-selective in nature and have high catch mortality rates, yet this opening is run with the proviso of 'releasing' three other non-target species. The rationale probably being that at least a released fish has a chance to survive but in reality means these guys are throwing overboard alot of fish that arrive dead at the incredible waste.
The other part of the Notice that is interesting is the revival box warning. I've got a series of posts coming on the topic of Enforcement and Compliance and this fits right in....Here is the DFO warning fishers that a 'condition of license' is actually going to be enforced this time....and yet for the tough talk...charges are only 'likely' not gauranteed. Gives you a nice little view of the relationship between industry and the Department doesnt it...


Virginia L. Ross, J.D. said...

Dear Canadian steelheaders,

We in the Columbia River region of the US share your concern and disgust with the waste and stupidity of gillnet fisheries. Our nets are actually still in the river itself. The non-retention and recovery box rules are a travesty, with mortality rates for non-retention salmon up to 40% and beyond. Check in on our battle against the nets at We hope to make significant headway in the next few years.

Keep up your efforts and good luck.

North Coast Steelhead Alliance said...

thanks for the comment Virginia...I agree completely with your disgust at how wasteful these gillnet fisheries really are.
Will check out your site and believe me, we are not about to stop in our efforts to move Skeena towards truly sustainable fishing practices